Hart Joiner Endowment Fund Logo

The Rotary Club of Gainesville established the Hart Joiner Endowment Fund for Children and Youth in 2002. Since then, the fund has contributed over $150,000 to 70 local youth-related causes in northeast Georgia. Grants from the fund have answered the wishes of a young cancer patient, provided partial scholarships to promising students, and funded local 501(c)3 nonprofits. The Hart Joiner fund is funded primarily by Gainesville Rotarians and the club's annual golf tournament. The fund is administered by the North Georgia Community Foundation (NGCF).

Apply for Funding

NGCF manages the application process. 

The Dr. Hart Joiner Endowment for Children & Youth, a fund of the North Georgia Community Foundation, 2024 Grant Cycle, is open July 15 - August 26, 2024. All grant applications must provide programs or services for children and youth to be considered. In the past, grant recipients were typically from Hall County, but applications serving northeast Georgia will be considered.

Eligibility for funding:

  1. Programs must benefit children and youth in Northeast Georgia. 
  2. Funding must be used towards approved programming between October 1, 2024, and September 30, 2025
  3. Only qualified, tax-exempt organizations and governmental entities are permitted to be the direct recipient of the grant funds.
  4. Previous awards recipients may apply.

Preview Grant Application Form


APPLY NOW via NGCF Grant Portal


Previous Award Recipients:





Club Leaders